Music in the Pines
July 21, 2016 @ 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm
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Lead – Bruce Jones: Our first quartet had a different lead. We first met Bruce at Dan’s birthday party. Our quartet was there, Harmony Lane, and we invited Bruce to sing some tags with us. We never saw someone more excited about Barbershop! When our lead left us for “greener pastures,” we thought of Bruce. Dan was concerned because Bruce never sang much, much less Barbershop. But we knew Bruce was a professional piano player and composer and had his own act, One Piano Man. Bruce is most importantly a musician. We can teach Barbershop! Bruce has been awesome and brings a freshness to our sound. He has composed a number of original pieces for Harmonology which I’m sure you all will get a chance to hear.
Bass – Dr. Dave Eiser: The first time we met Dave was at the Barbershop chorus rehearsal. When John heard his voice he immediately told Dan he would move to baritone if Dave would sing with us! Dave is a man of many talents. He is a Doctor of Podiatry, a TV weatherman, a radio personality and a high school teacher. He is also a “Woodshedder” – that group of Barbershop singers that can actually make up their part on the fly. He is also a nut and the life of any party!
Baritone – John Lenhardt: John first started singing Barbershop as a 12-year-old bass in the junior high school octet, The Chordsmen. Since his high school music program did not have a Barbershop quartet, he and three friends formed their own quartet and were taught by one of the member’s father (who was truly a Barbershop nut!) In college, John sang baritone with the California Lutheran University Kingsmen Quartet, AKA, The Conejo Canaries with three other music majors. John loves to wear his real straw hat or skimmer that he has owned for over 40 years! His pitch pipe is just as old, but seems to be dying from overuse!
Tenor – Dan Madsen: Dan and John worked together in the Edtech Group in LAUSD for many years. Dan retired a few years before John and they lost touch with each other. A few weeks after John retired to Apple Valley, he was walking down an aisle at Home Depot and a familiar face appeared. It was Dan! Dan had just moved to the Del Webb community in Apple Valley a few months before John arrived. They exchanged info and promised to get together after Dan and his wife returned from a month’s trip to Louisiana. Later John found the local Barbershop chorus in town and started attending rehearsals. Three weeks later Dan showed up at the chorus rehearsal! Dan had sung with the Pasadena chorus for many years and was a rabid barbershop fan! They never knew the other was a Barbershopper! Dan and John then plotted to form a quartet…